Northwest Arkansas
Independent Testing Laboratory

What DB Science Offers You

ID Strength Testing

Identity and Strength Testing by HPLC

Heavy Metal Contaminants

Testing for Heavy Metal Contaminants by ICP-MS

Pesticide Screening

Pesticide Screening by

Microbiological Contaminants

Inspecting Microbiological Contaminants by AOAC and FDA-BAM

Additional Tests Available

Additional Tests Available

DB Science
Northwest Arkansas Independent Testing Laboratory

DB Science is a young analytical testing laboratory in Northwest Arkansas, specializing in testing for the dietary supplement and nutraceutical field.  We offer a wide variety of chemical and microbiological tests on biochemicals and botanicals, as both raw material and final product verifications. We also offer research/development and technical support services.
DB Science is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited testing laboratory

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